Friday, January 30, 2009

Doughnuts, Fruitpies, and junkfood OH MY

If it isn't bad enough that I have to fight with myself not to buy the crap food and eat it, my loving spouse is now keeping chocolate doughnuts, fruit pies and CHIPS in my house. That's right CHIPS! Is that grounds for divorce? I can't have chips in my house at all. What a dork! Its bad enough that I choose to eat the crap food myself now I have my very own crap food pusher right in my own house. SABOTAGE!!! Anyway I gave in and had one of those mini chocolate doughnuts and it was absolutely terrible. Greasy and tastes horrible!

Anyway here are the current numbers
Weight: 267.9
BMI: 40.60

That's a loss of 13.4 pounds and my BMI has gone down 2.03 since starting this 31 days ago. That puts me at 26.6 pounds to my 3 month goal.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

It's just not fair!!!!

OK so I watch everything that goes into my mouth. I try my best to get my workouts in and I weigh myself EVERY day. My stinking husband who orders pizza, begs me to go out for super huge greasy tacos and eats chocolate doughnuts, licorice, and fruit pies all the time and doesn't work out, his weight has not changed at all in the last week. That's right not even a tenth of a pound either way. I'm hanging in there, I have lost 13 lbs and my BMI has gone down 1.97 since I started this and I am very happy about it but really chocolate doughnuts and pizza. UGH it sucks.

Saturday, January 17, 2009


It's been awhile since I posted anything but I am still here. I am still following my new eating habits and today I got back on the Wii Fit. I stopped for a few days while I had a stomach flu. Even though I am still not feeling my best I figured I had better get back on that Wii Fit NOW!! So here I am after doing my minimal 30 minutes today. Tired, Sore, and Sweaty.

Weight : 270.1
BMI: 40.93
Useless Wii Fit Age: 40
Wii Fit Credits: 9 hours and 6 minutes

This is now an overall weight loss of 11.2 pounds and my BMI is down 1.70.

More to come tomorrow!!


Tuesday, January 13, 2009

14 days down a Gazillion more to go

Today is the end of my second week on the "Wii Workout Plan 2009". Overall its going really well. Sticking to my new "diet" is no problem and I still enjoy the games on the wii. I'm still recovering after throwing my hula hoop out of whack and that same night coming down with a stomach bug. Nothing worse than a bathroom issue and a sore back when your only bathroom is upstairs (does that count as exercise). I really haven't been able to eat much yesterday and today. Today my new class started which means after work I need to have some sort of dinner ready and squeeze in Wii time before going. Today I didn't manage to do that. I came home from work and took a nap. I got up in time to get to my class but didn't have anytime to make a meal. I ended up eating my first fast food of the new year but stayed within my points (cheeseburger and medium fries no soda). It was awful. I will do better on Wednesday with the dinner, work and class thing. Oh well. Here are today's numbers.

Weight: 271.8
BMI: 41.20
Wii Fit Credits: 8 hours 33 minutes

This is an overall loss of 9.5lbs and my BMI has decreased by 1.43. Overall its been a good 2 weeks on the wii and I'm looking forward to see what the next 2 weeks bring.

WII FIT MII!!!!!!!!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Are you right hipped or left hipped?

Today was the first time that I ever felt like I was going to puke on the Wii Fit. 10 minute Hula Hooping. That's right, 5 minutes going to the right and 5 minutes going to the left. Holy mother of pearl that is tough. I am right hipped lol hula hopping to the left was much difficult than going to the right. I put in my 30 minutes of aerobics and hope to get in another 30 minutes after I run my errands. My schedule this week is going to change just a bit. My classes start on Monday. So I will potentially work until 3:45 and then have class from 7pm to 9:30pm. In between I will have to have dinner and change and squeeze in my wii fit. Hopefully everything will Wii FIT in. Numbers to come tomorrow as it will be my two week mark of doing the wii fit daily.


Saturday, January 10, 2009


I know its not polite to TOOT ones own horn but I just have too. Just did today's numbers and its BEAUTIFUL!!! Lost another 2.3 pounds which puts me up to an 8.4 pound weight loss!!!! WHOOHOOO More info later, I have to get on that wii fit and get my time in for today!


Friday, January 9, 2009

Please Sir, can I have some more????

OK today is day 11 of my wii workouts and day 6 of following a "diet". Yesterday, I got up for work and had my usual breakfast minus the banana (we were out) and packed my same old lunch. I got home from work around 12:30 and ran a few errands and did a few things around the house. At 4pm I was hungry, and I wanted junk food. I had 6 fish sticks and 12 tater tots. Counting food items have become a BIG part of my everyday. The points on the two was 10 points. Not bad for totally unhealthy crappy food, but I felt like I ate junk food. Later that evening, I was hungry again. I heated up some green beans with molly mcbutter thinking I just needed some kind of filling snack. NO I was hungry. Ended up eating a lean cuisine barbecue chicken pizza. A 7 point snack? UGH It was my own fault for eating an early dinner and choosing the junkie, non filling, small portioned choice. Today I went out to lunch with a friend. I had a baked potato with grilled chicken and broccoli with cheese and marinara sauce on the side and a side salad with light Italian dressing. I didn't finish the whole potato and the stuck on cheese but I did pick out the chicken and broccoli. I'm still pretty full from lunch and its now almost 5pm. I think I may be going out for dinner as well but not quite sure yet.

As for today's numbers (even after eating a double dinner last night) it really doesn't look all that bad.

WEIGHT: 275.4 lbs
BMI: 41.73
Useless WII FIT AGE: 40
Total WII FIT CREDITS: 7 hours 18 minutes

So far that is a LOSS of 5.9 lbs and my BMI has gone down .57 . Not bad if I do say so myself.


Pounds to "One"derland